1948,1960,1972, 1984,1996,2008
可喜可贺,属鼠的朋友终于摆脱坎坷起伏的2023年,今年整体运势直线攀升,唯健康方面容易感到心疲力尽,失去原有动力。事业逢官星高照,辛勤努力的付出,在今年有机会取得不错的成果。财运旺盛,有利于创造财富,正财源源不断,是荷包满满的一年。感情生活丰富,单身人士有机会认识知心伴侣; 已婚者深受异性欢迎,要懂得拿捏分寸,应以家庭为重,对伴侣多加关心,婚姻自然顺遂。健康是主要忧心之事,情绪波动起伏大,不妨多到户外散心,学习放松心情,重新找回自信和活力。
Congratulations, the spirited Rat will embark on a promising journey in 2024, with overall fortune rising! Although it may appear challenging health-wise, you embody the Rat's resilience and adaptability. New challenges in your career will simply be another notch in your belt, providing opportunities for you to demonstrate your tenacity. Your sense of caution will serve you well financially, and unexpected romantic opportunities may come your way. Make sure you take time to retreat to your burrow, recharge, and regain your zest for more adventure!
The professional maze of 2024 provides an abundance of opportunities for the Rat. Maintain your focus and perseverance, and you'll find recognition at the end. Those in creative or spiritual fields will do exceptionally well. Like a Rat who meticulously builds its burrow, business owners should focus on nurturing new talent and solidifying their foundation.
New doors will open and with some support and help, 2024 is going to be a prosperous year! Your diligence will result in a steady increase in wealth, and your benefactors are those who are from the opposite gender. Take advantage of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th lunar months as they are your lucky months. Adorning your space with the Money Plant or Evergreen Plant can help to greatly enhance your overall fortune too.
The romantic landscape of 2024 will brim with opportunities! Singles will get to meet new people but need to be discerning before jumping headfirst into new relationships. For married individuals, cherish your relationship and make sure it remains a safe space for love to grow. Avoid potential conflicts and messy love triangle situations that could disrupt family harmony.
健康是今年最大的冲击和隐忧。容易自寻烦恼,心力交瘁,影响睡眠,导致精神不佳,如此恶性循环,恐影响身体健康。 今年有动大手术的风险,影响体质开始转弱,容易有后遗症。 建议改变日常生活节奏,适当运动、瑜珈和静坐可帮助你平心静气,释放压力,减少负面情绪,让身心灵愉悦,帮助你安稳度过这个忧郁不安的一年。
2024 is a challenging year for you, health-wise. You may find yourself battling mental exhaustion and emotional tides. Insomnia, depression, and the possibility of a surgery might affect you. Know when to retreat for rest and ensure you adjust your routine to include stress-relieving activities. Make self-care a priority and set aside time each day for meditation or yoga.
CAREER: Scurry through the maze of challenges with determination; aid may arrive from the most unexpected places.
WEALTH: Be rat-ional and choose your investments carefully, it is a great year to grow your wealth pile!
RELATIONSHIPS: Unleash your innate charm to attract potential partners. If you're already hitched, squeak less and listen more for a harmonious relationship.
HEALTH: Don't let stress gnaw at you; stick to a balanced diet and exercise regularly for a squeaky clean bill of health.
Lucky Number: 6392
Lucky Colours: Pink, Red, Purple, Bright Green
Auspicious Directions: Southeast, North
Auspicious Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Red Tiger’s Eye, Rainbow Obsidian, White Turquoise
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
2nd | 4.5⭐ | 5⭐ | 3⭐ | 3.5⭐ | 1⭐ |
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
For the stalwart Ox, 2024 is a challenging one with Tai Sui frowning in the distance. Career and business progress is bleak, therefore, avoid making risky investments and think twice before job-hopping. Sweet romance beckons and romantic possibilities shine brightly for singles. Married individuals however will need to take active steps to maintain the harmony at home. Health wise, anxiety and mood disorders might slow you down.
With a dim outlook, the Ox may feel a little lost in their professional development. Employees should refrain from making big changes unless a fantastic opportunity for advancement or a job change presents itself. For business owners, the year could nudge you towards hasty decisions, so it is essential to consult with experts before acting. The idea of expanding into side businesses may appear appealing but do consider your resources as it may not be financially viable.
持原有的投资即可,不宜做太大的改变,以避免资金陷入困境,甚至卷入官司纠纷而破财。 可考虑佩戴黑发晶水晶,同时报读进修课程提升自己的专业领域,为未来做准备。
The year presents a tough climb up the wealth mountain, you ought to handle your finances with care, and plan your investments thoroughly. The 3rd, 4th, and 7th lunar months are suitable for safer investments. Overambitious decisions may result in losses and even a possible lawsuit; therefore, keep a steady hoof on the ground. Black Rutilated Quartz crystal is your lucky charm; consider upgrading your skillset and improving your financial literacy in 2024.
Romance is blooming for Singles! So, start looking for that special someone who can make your heart pound. It is also a good year to tie the knot. Married individuals may face a testing time for your relationship as temptations to stray are present. The joy of new beginnings, such as the birth of a child, can help to turn the situation around. It is recommended to spend more time with your children to boost family unity.
The health compass might sway slightly this year. Be aware of potential health issues such as insomnia, indigestion, and high blood sugar especially during the 4th, 8th, and 11th lunar months. Prioritise your mental well-being as emotional turbulence and mood swings plague you; if necessary, seek professional assistance. A vacation could be the solution to restore vitality, improve your mood and alleviate stress.
CAREER: Keep a low profile and work hard; your determination will help you achieve your goals.
WEALTH: Keep an eye on your investments; your hard-earned pasture should be handled with care.
RELATIONSHIPS: Romance blossoms for singles, while married ones should fortify their fences.
HEALTH: Maintain mental sharpness and learn to manage stress for a more fulfilling and healthy year.
Lucky Number: 9339
Lucky Colours: White, Yellow, Light Blue, Lilac, Silver
Auspicious Directions: Southeast, South, Southwest
Auspicious Crystals: Aquamarine, White Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Black Rutilated Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
11th | 2⭐ | 1⭐ | 2.5⭐ | 4⭐ | 2⭐ |
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
整体运势大起大落,面临挑战的一年。事业运受禄马星照耀,有利于外地发展,尤其对于以口为财、科技和咨询服务的行业颇为有利。财运不稳,容易入不敷出,陷入财困,需要谨慎理财。未婚者异性缘旺,留意观察定可找到合适伴侣。 已婚者应互相包容与沟通,凡事多协商,珍惜彼此缘份。健康仍是一大隐忧,容易意外受伤,要特别注意交通安全。今年运势较暗淡,不妨穿着更亮丽,行善积德,坚忍面对困难,方能雨过天晴。
The jungle of fortunes is a little wild; 2024 is turbulent year for your career and wealth. While it is hard to build wealth, take advantage of the Lu Ma moving star as it shines and brightens up the career path for those in the IT, consulting, or fields requiring the gift of speech. Single Tigers will find love and couples need to remember that two tigers can share a mountain with proper communication. This is the time to adorn yourself in bright colours, perform acts of kindness, and maintain a roaring spirit.
事业好坏参半,2024年逢禄马星,是忙禄奔波的一年。打工一族在年初会遇到瓶颈和阻碍,要与上司保持良好关系,身边出现属蛇、羊和牛的女性长辈就是你的幸运星。有机会外派或出差工干,虽然劳心劳力,但后期的事业发展潜力会相对上升,获得加薪机会。 创业者若想转型,今年把握机会,精心谋划开拓国际市场,寻得机会和贵人协助推动事业发展。
2024 is an average year for your career. Those employed will see obstacles at work and should keep your relationship with your boss purr-fect. The Lu Ma moving star indicates a busy year that will require a lot of travel and endurance. Lookout for females of the Snake, Goat, and Ox zodiac signs as your jungle allies. For business owners, consider this year as an opportunity to claw your way into international markets.
Take caution as you may face unexpected cash flow issues in 2024. Financial gains will come when you are out and about. This year, seek help from financial experts to assist you in money matters. When it comes to business opportunities overseas, remember that a tireless tiger hunts best. Overseas assignments will work out with enormous gains for you.
The romantic plains may begin rough, but they will smooth out as the year progresses. Tigers in a stable relationship can consider taking the leap and even growing your pack. The jungle is alive with potential mates for singles; so, turn up your charm. Remember, a little financial rain does not have to mean the end of your relationship. For married individuals, the support from your loved ones can help turn the crisis around.
With inauspicious stars lurking, there will be issues with both health and safety for Tigers in 2024. Young Tigers (born in 1986 and 1998) should use your vivacious energy wisely and avoid dangerous high-risk activities. Overall, be careful while on the road, avoid attending funerals and be careful with what you eat. Respect and honour your parents and you might find yourself basking in the extra shield of protection provided by them.
CAREER: Prowl through the jungle of opportunities; welcome innovation and adaptation with open paws.
WEALTH: Money will come and go easily, and you can attain business gains when you travel.
RELATIONSHIPS: Keep your growls low and purrs high; invest your heart and energy in nurturing your bonds.
HEALTH: Health is a bit of a worry with you being accident-prone. Keep safe and stay vigilant when you travel.
Lucky Number: 2368
Lucky Colours: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
Auspicious Directions: West, North
Auspicious Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Citrine, Aquamarine
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
9th | 2.5⭐ | 2⭐ | 2.5⭐ | 4.5⭐ | 1.5⭐ |
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Although Tai Sui presents some challenges this year, Rabbits can count on their natural agility and wit to overcome obstacles. Your health may require a little more attention this year, but with proper care and the protection from Crackle Quartz/Amethyst crystal, there will be no major illness. In 2024, business opportunities are present, and your financial growth is poised for a steady and reassuring climb. Love is knocking on the door for single Rabbits. For those who are married, your relationship may have ups and downs that you need to lookout for.
With an auspicious star shining into your Career sector, you will see motivation and drive to expand your business. It is a time to leap forward with your projects and there will be progress. However, hop with caution and take care of your interpersonal relationships with others to avoid falling into unnecessary conflict. If handled well, the close ties within your social circle might bring you unexpected gains.
With Rabbits harming Tai Sui in 2024, wealth growth is slower than desired and indirect wealth luck will be lacklustre. When dealing with investments, use your instinctive Bunny abilities to sniff out potential risks and nibble carefully on potential opportunities. Noblemen bring wealth luck, and friends of the opposite gender are your wealth benefactors. Joining networking events and expanding your social circle will help open doors of opportunities.
Love is expected to bloom like a spring field for single Rabbits. Let your charm and patience lead you to potential partners! Meanwhile, married individuals will see cracks in their relationships due to increased arguments. It is recommended that you show your love with gentle actions and avoid the prickly thorns of disagreements. Taking a family portrait and having more family gatherings can help to strengthen the harmony at home.
健康运势尚可,只需要注意饮食和休息,不可忽略保健的重要性。 今年工作量增加,应酬活动频繁,容易睡眠不足,三餐不定时或压力过大影响胃口,使身体机能下降,将小毛病拖成大病,要特别注意牙齿、呼吸道、鼻子过敏、肠胃中毒及胃酸逆流等问题,建议调整饮食习惯,减少辛辣刺激的食品,并以低油、低盐、低脂的饮食为主。
This year, your health may require a little extra attention. Balance your mental and physical wellbeing by taking breaks, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest. Maintain a balance between work and self-care, just as a rabbit knows when to retreat to its burrow. Take note of issues with your teeth, breathing system, allergies, and digestive system.
CAREER: Hop forward with zeal but keep your eyes on the prize to avoid unnecessary distractions.
WEALTH: Take care of your carrots and invest cautiously.
RELATIONSHIPS: Use your natural charm to attract potential partners. For those who have already paired up, remember that peace results from understanding and patience.
HEALTH: Don't let stress nibble at your energy; maintain a balanced diet and a routine that includes rest and rejuvenation for a healthy bounce.
Lucky Number: 4772
Lucky Colours: Grey, Brown, Beige, Silver
Auspicious Directions: East, Southeast, North
Auspicious Crystals: Citrine, Crackle Quartz, Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Amethyst
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
4th | 3.5⭐ | 3⭐ | 1.5⭐ | 5⭐ | 3⭐ |
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
As Dragons prepare to soar in 2024, the clash with Tai Sui could cast a shadow on your journey. To help you rise above these passing clouds, demonstrate diligence in your work life and avoid complacency. Romance takes a back seat in 2024, and it is recommended that you go on a holiday trip to rekindle old sparks with your loved ones. Health issues might nudge you; this year, it is best for you to avoid risky sports activities such as skydiving or ice climbing.
As you spread your wings professionally this year, you may encounter some gusty winds along your path. Your benefactors are those born in the year of the Snake, Goat, and Pig. With strong competition in the market, business owners should strategize wisely and explore new horizons to find greater profits. Updrafts in the real estate, finance, science, and technology sectors could significantly boost you. This year, focus on honing your skills to improve your standing at work.
The negative influence of Tai Sui may cast a shadow over your financial prospects, but don't let fear paralyze your hunting abilities. Focus on developing your career, learning new skills to meet market demands, and sharpening your competitive edge. Engaging in charitable deeds can help elevate your positive energy and enhance your prospects for wealth accumulation.
Seize the opportunity to gently rekindle the flames of your relationships. Married Dragons should engage in fun activity such as singing or cooking with your spouse to spend more time together. Rather than sparking intense disagreements, maintaining a gentle flame allows love to flourish in the early stages of courtship. Display pink flowers in the Southwest sector of your living room to enhance romantic energies.
福星高照,身体健康状况良好。 今年容易有刀光手术的风险,但都可转危为安,无须过于担心。平时要多加观察身体状况,特别是肝胆结石、心脏、骨骼、牙齿和痛风等问题。 逢值年太岁容易做事冲动,开车时不可寻求刺激和速度,减少户外冒险活动,做好防护措施,尤其使用锋利工具时要特别小心以免受伤。今年宜多做善事,如捐血,施济孤贫,可增加自身之福报。
Though health scares might throw you off balance, your lucky stars will turn these challenges into blessings. This year, due to the Tai Sui’s influence, risks of surgeries are present and issues with the liver, gallstones, heart, bones, teeth, and gout should not be overlooked. Be careful on the road and you should not seek excitement and speed when driving. Avoid dangerous adventures and use caution when handling sharp tools. Consider doing more charity to improve overall fortune and luck.
CAREER: Aid may arrive from unexpected sources. Be patient and lookout for benefactors who will assist you.
WEALTH: Believe in your potential and maintain your dedication to professional development.
RELATIONSHIPS: Spend time to nurture shared passions to foster the warmth of love.
HEALTH: Schedule regular health check-ups and tread lightly on adventurous paths.
Lucky Number: 4670
Lucky Colours: Gold, Silver, Beige, White, Bright Blue
Auspicious Directions: Southwest, West, Northwest, North
Auspicious Crystals: Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, Peridot
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
12th | 1.5⭐ | 2⭐ | 1⭐ | 2⭐ | 4⭐ |
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
今年三星报喜,富贵临门,属蛇的朋友得到太阳吉星的照耀,今年发财有望、事业有成、健康无忧。事业获得贵人助力,大放异彩,享受功成名就的成果,财运更是鸿运当头。已婚者必须在工作和家庭中取得平衡,多花时间和精力来陪伴家人,建议合家一同出游,增进家庭和谐; 未婚者感情容易节外生枝,应多沟通,彼此珍惜得来不易之感情,才能有望走向婚姻殿堂。健康运势大吉,人逢喜事精神爽,今年充满活力,保持规律运动,有助于身心健康。
Guided by the brilliant blessings of auspicious stars, Snakes will glide effortlessly in 2024. Your abilities and hard work will be recognised, contributing significantly to a more prosperous nest. This year, ensure that work and family life coexist harmoniously; consider a family vacation to strengthen bonds. For those dating, be wary of potential pitfalls and show your partner that your charm is reserved only for them. Overall, your health shines throughout the year.
2024 is your turn to shine at work! This year, you may encounter opportunities that will see you shedding your old skin and embracing new experiences. Whether you're entwined in the corporate jungle or have laid your own path as an entrepreneur, your unique charm and wisdom will be essential for problem-solving. Coil your energy and spring forth into the opportunities at hand, your projects and career will sail smoothly.
恭喜!财运逢吉星照耀,正财偏财双旺,是人生最值得期待的一年。 属蛇的朋友,今年得天时地利人和的良好机遇,只要相信自己有能力成就四海,加强自己的决心和执行力,无论从事何种行业,都能轻松获得赚钱机会 。投资理财方面,得到贵人指点,不妨运用部分资金来投资保值,将会得到丰厚的回报。若有购屋计划,记得选择适合自己八字的座向和吉方位,并通过风水布局,纳气生财,助旺事业和财运。
Congratulations! The wealth star is shining on you, and you can expect both financial gains in all industries. Timely opportunities and the right connections will open new avenues for money success. Utilise your focus, commitment, and action to maximize your earnings. Those planning to invest in real estate should consider the auspicious directions compatible with their Ba Zi. Tap on the benefits of Feng Shui to fuel your wealth growth!
This year, navigating the waters of romance may require extra effort. Married Snakes may discover that their hectic schedules and limited communication will lead to many misunderstandings. A minor kitchen renovation can realign the energy at home. For singles, focus on work instead of pinning your hopes on love. Additionally, be mindful of the signals you send to their colleagues of the opposite gender. For those dating, work on strengthening your relationship with your partner.
喜迎健康平安的一年,只要保持良好的情绪,身体机能正常运行,小病小痛可逢凶化吉。 今年宜养成晨跑的习惯,让自己沐浴在早晨阳光下,开启活力的一天,不仅增强体能、调节情绪,还能提供身体所需的维生素D,有益于身心健康的提升。虽然健康无虑,但也不容忽视小煞星的干扰,应多留意家中女性的情绪起伏,不妨在假期时与家人到郊外游玩,接触大自然,放松心情,增进家庭和谐,也能排解情绪的负能量。
Your health sector sees a smooth and energised year ahead. Take this opportunity to embrace the early bird lifestyle. Be mindful, however, of a minor inauspicious star that may dim your wellness outlook, particularly related to mood swings from the women in your den. Seek solace in nature or organize a family staycation, to shed any negative energy. Doing so can foster family harmony while ensuring your health remains robust and resilient.
CAREER: Seize the year of professional recognition, remain resilient yet adaptable; let your natural charm shine through in everything you do.
WEALTH: Opportunities to prosper await in your wealth sector; remember to strike a balance between growth and security, especially when it comes to investments.
RELATIONSHIPS: Navigate relationship difficulties with patience and understanding; invest in meaningful moments to strengthen the bond.
HEALTH: Enjoy a year of good health, soak up the morning sun, and recharge your batteries with relaxing trips to nature.
Lucky Number: 1268
Lucky Colours: Gold, Silver, White, Blue, Pink
Auspicious Directions: Northeast, Southeast, South
Auspicious Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Gold Rutilated Quartz, Kunzite, Clear Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
1st | 5⭐ | 5⭐ | 1⭐ | 2.5⭐ | 4.5⭐ |
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
2024年整体运势小有波澜,事情容易发生的突如其来,是个磨练考验的一年。事业发展因行业而异,从事保健、教育或科技等行业,可独领风骚。大胆的走出舒适圈,你将能展现自我,取得不错的成绩。 财星亮眼,但受家运影响,会花费较多在家人身上,以致财库无法聚财。 感情方面是需要注重沟通和理解的一年,各退一步感情方可长久平稳,谨记家和万事兴。 健康运势低迷,容易有不易察觉的隐疾,务必适当舒缓紧张的精神压力,才是维持身体健康的上策。
Brace yourselves for a gallop into 2024 that may be a little bumpy. You can expect to see industry-specific career advancement and wealth accumulation. But keep in mind that not everything that glitters are gold. This year, additional expenses are expected from your family commitments. Mutual understanding and communication will be the keys to a steady trot in relationships. Pay attention to your body and look out for signs that may uncover hidden health issues. Remember that nothing is more important than having good health.
In 2024, your professional racetrack will reach a tipping point. Those working in public sector, education, healthcare, and energy technology will see opportunities to take the reins and lead. Remember that not every gallop is a sprint; pace yourself to avoid health problems. It is not a great year for business owners to retire. Hiring dependable aides can assist you in keeping a tight grip on your operations while improving your work-life balance.
With the wealth star shining on you, opportunities to expand your wealth reserves are on the horizon. However, keep in mind that unchecked spending can result in an empty barn. Money spent on family needs, particularly elder care, could account for a sizable portion of your net worth. Ensure that all your family members and you have a comprehensive health insurance. This year, invest conservatively and consider setting up a rainy-day fund.
Get ready for a steeplechase, with each hurdle and jump adding to your exhilarating love journey. For single Horses, handle differing opinions with more care and understanding. Mutual understanding can lead to a more fulfilling relationship. For those in a relationship, the occasional family matters might feel like a bumpy trot. Talking it out, spending time together and placing family photos in the Southwest of your living room can help.
Pay attention to the gentle rustlings beneath your energetic strides; there may be some health symptoms that they are essential to keeping your agility. Pay special attention to possible signs of allergies or inflammation. Gentlemen should take note of issues with their gout, teeth, and respiratory system. In sum, keep your spirits high and your stress low to improve your overall health.
CAREER: Seize the opportunity to transform your career; pace yourself and maintain a balanced gallop.
WEALTH: Wealth is in sight, but spendings on family matters is unavoidable.
RELATIONSHIPS: Keep your heart open to communication and understanding; cherish shared experiences.
HEALTH: Listen to your body's whispers; don't overlook regular health check-ups and self-care.
Lucky Number: 7227
Lucky Colours: Black & White, Red & Black, Blue & Red, Green & Orange
Auspicious Directions: East, South, Northeast
Auspicious Crystals: Pink Opal, Sunstone, Blue Sandstone, Smoky Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
7th | 2.5⭐ | 4⭐ | 3⭐ | 1.5⭐ | 3.5⭐ |
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
2024 is a year that is teetering on the brink of predictability. Professional challenges may shape you into a stronger person, and the path to wealth might feel like a treacherous mountain hike. This year, pay extra attention to the fine details in agreements. Love will bloom beautifully for singles, and it is a delightful time for couples to have a bundle of joy. Health wise, opt for a healthier lifestyle, drive safe and avoid long distance travel trips to countries with civil unrest to avoid unnecessary troubles.
Managing your finances this year may feel like guiding a goat uphill, but being cautious can make the journey go more smoothly. Pay close attention when signing contracts or investing and think twice before acting as a guarantor. Work relationships with Roosters and Rabbits need to be handled with caution. On the bright side, your house number and phone number might bring in a small windfall. Remember that any acts of kindness and generosity can plant the seeds of a prosperous future.
红鸾星动,感情添喜添福贵,温馨甜蜜。恋爱中的情侣,今年有望双喜临门,准备迎接新生命的到来,喜得一生幸福。单身的朋友将获得更多交友机会,建议积极参与社交活动,扩大交际圈,增加与异性接触的机会,可将床单换成浪漫的淡紫色,以增强桃花运,有助觅得良缘。 已婚夫妻关系融洽,婚姻生活甜蜜幸福,家中若得贵子,可让家运更为昌隆。
With the romance star on your side, your love life will be filled with joy and sweetness! With potential marriages and pregnancies on the horizon, 2024 could be the year of double happiness for those already in a romantic relationship. Singles should not be sheepish but actively participate in social activities to widen their social circles. Consider changing up your bedsheets to a romantic lilac colour to enhance your love luck. Married individuals will get to bask in love thanks to the harmonious relationship with their other half!
Despite the negative Yin Sha star bringing forth hidden illnesses, there are also lucky stars in your health sector, helping you mitigate any potential problems. This year, avoid high-adrenaline adventures like rock climbing or bungee jumping as you are accident-prone. Your diet should contain nutritious foods that keep your liver and gallbladder happy - think high-fibre, low-fat, low-salt options, and plenty of water. Adopting a regular exercise routine and maintaining a healthy weight will keep you fit and healthy throughout the year.
CAREER: Persevere through professional challenges; success is for those who never give up.
WEALTH: Exercise caution in financial matters and avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
RELATIONSHIPS: Embrace the joy of love; make room for more social interactions to find the right partner.
HEALTH: Prioritise a healthier lifestyle and exercise caution in risky activities to safeguard your well-being.
Lucky Number: 1359
Lucky Colours: Red, Grey, Burgundy, Green, Purple, Pink
Auspicious Directions: Southwest, West, Northeast
Auspicious Crystals: Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Rainbow Obsidian, Pink Opal, Smoky Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
8th | 1⭐ | 1.5⭐ | 4.5⭐ | 4⭐ | 3⭐ |
1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
2024 will be a busy and rewarding year for the agile Monkeys. Your professional life may be a whirlwind of activity requiring extra effort to reap the benefits. While there are no auspicious stars in your career sector, bear in mind that every cloud has a silver lining. Those employed may feel tempted to start a new business; however, tread carefully and avoid monkeying around. Stay alert in business partnerships and financial transactions to avoid slipping on financial banana peels. Investment opportunities are plentiful. Love is in the air; singles may meet their special someone, while married couples should be cautious not to disrupt marital harmony. Keep an eye on your health and spend time with family and friends to lift your spirits.
Your career will resemble a treetop adventure with its ups and downs. Constant vigilance is required to adapt to market changes and emerging opportunities. Those wanting to change their jobs should be cautious. Start a side hustle and hone your skills while waiting for the right time. Business owners must exercise extreme caution when reorganising, partnering, and dealing with legal issues; one wrong move can lead to disaster.
Financially, this year may see you climbing the wealth tree! Investments are likely to produce profitable returns and employees may receive promotions and salary increment. With the peach blossom star shining, the opposite genders are your wealth benefactors. Partnerships with individuals born in the year of the Dog, Pig, or Ox, can potentially boost your financial fortune. Consider putting a Money Plant, Lucky Bamboo, or Wealth Pot in your home's wealth position for extra luck.
Monkeys have reason to rejoice in the jungle of love! Singles will meet their soulmates, and wedding bells may ring. A change in your hairstyle or dressing might turn up your charm. However, avoid mixing pleasure with work to ward off relationship disputes. Married Monkeys must work on maintaining a harmonious relationship and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings with your partner. Romantic outings such as a moonlit stroll or a cosy movie night will work wonders for you.
This year, health takes a dip. Pay special attention to your physical and mental health, especially your blood pressure and heart. The key to staying healthy this year will be finding a happy compromise between work and life. Spend time with loved ones, watch a movie, go on a picnic, or do anything else that will help you unwind. Keep an eye out for the elderly at home as they are prone to accidents. To increase your luck, learn to practice gratitude and see the good in all things.
CAREER: Stay low and play it safe. Ultimately, it comes down to making the right move at the right time.
WEALTH: Guard your partnerships and investments; look out for your wealth benefactors that will boost your financial luck.
RELATIONSHIPS: Embrace the blooming romance; avoid playing around to maintain harmony.
HEALTH: Be cautious and cheerful; spend quality time with family and friends to maintain well-being.
Lucky Number: 3525
Lucky Colours: Red, Purple, Bright Green, Bright Yellow
Auspicious Directions: Southwest, West, North
Auspicious Crystals: Strawberry Quartz, Red Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Black Rutilated Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
5th | 3⭐ | 4⭐ | 3.5⭐ | 4⭐ | 1⭐ |
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
Say hello to the high winds of 2024 with two auspicious stars lighting your path. Your career is on the rise, and it’s the time to seize the golden goose. However, don't put all your eggs in one basket when investing - keep an eye out for scams. Patience is essential in matters of love. Take time to nest and celebrate anniversaries with your partner to strengthen bonds. Single Roosters, while you may be chasing shadows this year, you can crow loudly in your professional field. Roost well, eat healthily, and exercise regularly to stay fit and feathered.
This year, your career will take flight under the auspicious Zi Wei leadership star, allowing you to stand out. Spread your wings and expand your connections at work with the help of superiors and other people of influence. When the time comes, strut your stuff, and promotions will come naturally. If you're an entrepreneur, remember to ride the tide of change and adopt cutting-edge tools like artificial intelligence to grow your business.
It's a year to crow about when it comes to wealth! This year will provide you with plenty of golden eggs to pick from, and a successful career will bring steady income. When managing investments, don't let short-term success make you lose your cool – keep risks at bay instead. A little gambling can be entertaining; consider lucky numbers that are personal to you, such as your birthday or registration number. Direct wealth forecast is better, so avoid pinning too high hopes on your lottery bets!
The love star may play hide-and-seek with the Roosters this year. If you're single, resist the urge to invest all your emotions into a single person. Instead, focus on shining on your own; the right one will come to you. Married Roosters may notice their spouses' health and fortune deteriorating, causing some challenges in the household. Place a family portrait in the Southwest corner of your residence to strengthen your relationship. Don't forget to plan some romantic surprises or even change up your bedroom decoration to keep your love life exciting.
Remember to keep your health in check as your career takes off. In the midst of work and social activities, it is easy to overlook potential health issues such as digestive issues or kidney stones. Sleep early, stay hydrated, and practice good food hygiene. Regular exercise can keep you energised. Wearing a White Turquoise crystal bracelet can help you sleep better and boost your immunity by relieving fatigue and calming your mind.
CAREER: Spread your wings in your professional development; balance ambition with rest to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
WEALTH: Opportunities to build your nest are plentiful; resist the urge to peck away at your savings for unnecessary family expenses.
RELATIONSHIPS: In your relationships, strut with an open heart; cherish the shared roost and foster understanding.
HEALTH: Listen to your body's quiet clucks; do not neglect regular check-ups, and ensure you get some me-time.
Lucky Number: 2870
Lucky Colours: White, Gold, Silver, Bright Yellow, Red, Purple
Auspicious Directions: East, Southwest, Northwest
Auspicious Crystals: Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz, White Turquoise, Red Tiger’s Eye
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
6th | 4⭐ | 3.5⭐ | 3.5⭐ | 0.5⭐ | 3.5⭐ |
1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
2024年对属狗的朋友是吉中藏凶,看似美好的一切,暗藏很多变数,需格外谨慎小心。事业运势动荡不安,工作劳心劳力,记得磨练就是考验,努力付出不计较,坚持下去就能看见雨后彩虹。财运欠佳,谋财需步步为营,偏财勿求,勤奋工作才为上上策。单身者感情顺遂,可找到适合进一步发展的对象; 已婚者受欲望桃花冲击,若遇到感情纠葛,也要与另一半坦白沟通,共同面对解决问题。健康运势逢凶,容易发生意外,出门在外一定要提高警惕,可随身携带【生肖守护神】护身符,以化解太岁冲犯。
2024 will be a year of intriguing mysteries and hidden opportunities for those born in the Year of the Dog. While it is a turbulent year for your career, remember that every obstacle is a stepping stone to success. Prudence in financial matters will pave the way for stability. Refrain from gambling and steer away from high-risk investments. Singles can find love, while married people should keep communication lines open and avoid temptation. Having a zodiac guardian amulet or talisman can help keep you safe.
Although career prospects seem challenging, it’s all part of your growth and development. This year, you will easily feel the burnout at work, and be prone to negligence and mistakes. A sound time management and work progress plan can help improve work efficiency greatly. Entrepreneurs might experience financial variations, but a dependable and loyal team can help you navigate the dog-eat-dog world of business successfully.
2024 might not greet you with overflowing wealth, but it's a year to harness financial steadiness and cultivate monetary wisdom. Embrace a simple lifestyle, focusing on savings and budgeting. For business owners, innovation and adaptability are crucial for maximum efficiency and profit. The 7th to 11th lunar months are when your wealth luck is more stable, wear your lucky colours, have a pixie haircut and avoid risky investments to tide through the year safely.
A promising year awaits singles, with many opportunities to meet potential partners. Focus on personal growth and improving your inner qualities. Potential suitors will come knocking on your door. For those married, the relationship might face some trials and temptation. Remember that harmony begets prosperity. Take time to bond with your spouse through a holiday vacation and work together to navigate any rough patches.
A worrying Health forecast is ahead. 2024 calls for some caution; it is a time to prioritise your wellbeing and safety. Refrain from doing risky water sports or deep-sea diving to prevent accidents. Proactive measures towards maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle can help overcome any potential health hurdles. Prioritising rest and good nutrition can lead to a healthier and more successful year.
CAREER: Embrace challenges and changes; the tribulations you face will pave the way for personal enhancement.
WEALTH: Cultivate financial wisdom; focus on the dogged pursuit of effort rather than risky investments.
RELATIONSHIPS: Keep an open heart to love and maintain open communication with your loved ones.
HEALTH: Prioritise safety and wellness; avoid water-sports activities at all costs.
Lucky Number: 5934
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Orange, Purple, White, Blue, Silver
Auspicious Directions: East, Southwest, Northwest
Auspicious Crystals: Sunstone, Jadeite, Amethyst, Yellow Tiger’s Eye
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
10th | 2.5⭐ | 2.5⭐ | 2⭐ | 4.5⭐ | 0.5⭐ |
1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Pigs, prepare to hog the spotlight with noble assistance in both your career and wealth aspects. The opposite gender is your wealth noblemen but beware of mixing money with relationships to prevent ruining your reputation and losing money. In love, it's time to sow some extra care into your relationships. For singles, while many charming boars may enter your pen, finding the right one may take time. Don't turn your snout up at health issues; seek medical attention promptly to avoid turning a piglet problem into a troublesome issue.
An unbeatable career forecast awaits you in 2024, your career pen appears to be lush. Profit from an expanding network of influential people who will gladly assist you in identifying opportunities. You will find support from Ox, Dragon, and Snake noblemen. Look forward to smooth sailing endeavours, promotion or even salary raise. This year don't be sceptical; embrace bold innovation and change - it could be your ticket to future success.
有财神爷特别眷顾,财运亨通,富贵可期。 不仅经商者生意兴隆,打工者在职场上身价也会高涨,投资方面有高人指引,明智的决策将带来丰厚回报。但需注意不利于偏财和投机运,小赌可怡情,大赌则易破财。手头宽裕时,应储蓄以备不时之需,不可因虚荣心或过度慷慨而挥霍,以免财库空虚。建议做好全年的财务规划,佩戴白玛瑙或爆花白水晶手链可以帮助你增长智慧,做出正确判断。
In 2024, the God of Wealth is knocking on your door, bringing in prosperity and abundance. It's time to gorge yourself on financial success, whether you're a business owner or an employee. Smart investments can yield substantial returns but avoid gambling as it can lead to a potential loss of wealth. Wearing a bracelet with white agate or crackle quartz crystal can enhance your mental power to curb spendings, make smarter decisions and enable you to excel in all that you do.
2024 is the year of plentiful love opportunities, though not all will be worthy of your time. Instead of just waiting for your soulmate, focus on improving yourself. Those in relationships should prepare to invest extra time and energy on your other half. While gaining assistance from the opposite gender, remember not to let your snout stray too far into their trough to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Overall, enjoy a blissful time with your family.
整体运势虽佳,但健康却亮红灯。事业春风得意的你有太多应酬 ,暴饮暴食,不注重健康,今年体质偏弱,容易加重对肝脏及肠胃的负担,尤其是有三高的高危险群体,更要注意中风、心肌梗塞等危及生命的急重症。在冲刺事业的同时,别忽略健康的保养,除了注重规律饮食及良好生活作息,如出现不适症状,切勿轻视,应及时就医。
Too much hogging out due to social obligations may result in health problems. This year, even the fittest boar should be wary of health issues such as burdens on your liver and digestive system. Especially for those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high sugar levels, pay more attention to your diet. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be your priority. Do not ignore squeals of pain; instead, seek immediate medical attention.
CAREER: A stellar year ahead. Harness networking opportunities; don't be pig-headed about innovation and adaptation.
WEALTH: Feast on the abundance but avoid going whole hog on gambling and extravagance.
RELATIONSHIPS: Maintain a respectful snout-length distance; invest time and effort in nurturing your relationships.
HEALTH: Don't be stubborn about health; heed signs of discomfort and seek medical attention promptly.
Lucky Number: 8199
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Orange, Purple, White
Auspicious Directions: North, Southeast, Northwest
Auspicious Crystals: Gold Rutilated Quartz, Blue Sandstone, White Agate, Pink Opal
Overall Zodiac Ranking | Career | Wealth | Family | Romance | Health |
3rd | 4⭐ | 4.5⭐ | 4⭐ | 2.5⭐ | 1.5⭐ |