Satisfaction Guaranteed

Aircon Maintenance Satisfaction Guaranteed

At Gain City, we are committed to delivering a service that you can trust, based upon our strong sense of integrity & responsibility to our community.


  • Genuine & Honest
  • Integrity
  • Responsible

Terms & Conditions Apply:

  1. The value of this voucher is equivalent to the total amount chargeable for the maintenance and repair services of the air-conditioners only.
  2. The total amount chargeable will be reflected in the receipt issued by Gain City for the maintenance and repair services of your air-conditioners.
  3. You shall return any parts that have been used during the maintenance and repair services of the air-conditioners concerned.
  4. This voucher is issued only to customers with maintenance and repair services of the air-conditioners by Gain City.
  5. The voucher is valid for one-time redemption at any Gain City outlets, including Gain City's F&B outlets, within 8 days from the maintenance and repair services performed.
  6. For this voucher to be valid, original voucher must be presented at redemption and information in this voucher must be completed accurately.
  7. This voucher cannot be replaced if lost, torn or damaged and non-transferable.
  8. Gain City reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions without prior notice.